Aubrey Mast, MPH, PhD
Dr. Aubrey Mast, is a renowned herbalist, chef, and holistic health coach. She holds a PhD in Mind-Body Medicine, specializing in the fields mind body medicine, lifestyle medicine, and holistic health practice. She also carries an Masters in Public Health focusing on Nutrition. With a profound expertise in creativity, self-empowerment, and holistic transformations, Dr. Aubrey has been a distinguished lecturer and professor at several esteemed universities. Her teachings encompass nutrition, the healing potential of food, and comprehensive holistic health practices. She has supported thousands of individuals in reclaiming their health by specializing in food-as-medicine, nutrition, herbalism, mind-body medicine, lifestyle medicine, stress management, holistic practices, and personal support. She is the author or Adapting Resiliently and Cellular Healing Protocol. She offers courses for clients in Mind Body Medicine, Food as Medicine, Gut Healing, and Applicable Nutrition. She is thrilled to join Mayberry Naturopathy and aid in the holistic health journey for Georgia residents. She just relocated to GA with her husband, two sons, and extra large (and needy) dog. She is happy to be able to call this area home.